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El Dorado 21 is produced near the equator in Guyana by Demerara distillery. The final product is a blend of rums, aged between 21 and 25 years and crafted using 100% locally sourced Demerara sugar. Traditional tools are used in the distilling processes including three unique wooden stills. The rums rest until maturity in 45 gallon oak casks.
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This El Dorado 21 years is lean, dark bodied and getting the heat up a notch.
There is a scent of fruits and spices. Also notes of honey and melasses.
What a great rum! Bursting with flavour. Not to be mixed. Fantastic flavour and aftertaste. No need for ice.
El Dorado 21 år er en fabelagtig rom med en duft, der både indeholder det let røgede tobaksagtige og det syrlige citrusagtige element, omend man samtidig fornemmer en dyb underliggende sødme.
Smagen er kraftig med masser af fad, og den præges indledende af den høje alc. pct. på 43. Dog virker den ikke sprittet eller skarp. Rommen er overraskende tør og de røgede, syrlige og søde smagsnoter udvikles langsomt, men hænger længe i ganen.
Duft og smag er i overensstemmelse med hinanden. Denne rom er perfekt til eftertænksomme aftener - er blevet fast inventar i skabet 👍
El Dorado 21-Year Rum er en næsten perfekt rom, den har en karakter af røget, men er perfekt afrundet med masser af sødme
Fantastisk smagspalet, rig på nuancer, meget velafbalanceret. Melasse, farin, honning, citrus, en snert røg, lidt tobak, lakrids? og igen noget frugt... Lækker.
Found this to be one of the sweetest I've ever had. I've had to remind myself that it's a rum and not a liqueur. That being said, I really enjoyed it.
It's thick and extremely smooth. I'd considered pouring this on waffles in the morning if I didn't have a day job. Nearly no spice. A lot of rich sugars with a beach wood pallet. I'll be buying this again, or trying the 12 or 15yr.
Nose: light sweet , caramel , dry fruit ,alcoholic,wood
Taste: light sweet, spicy , caramel , alcoholic, dry fruit ,vanilla , sugar,wood.
sharper than the 12 or 15 year old one.
Guf for ganen
In der Nase kommen Aromen von Holz, Rauch, Kaffee, Schokolade und etwas Honig. Im Geschmack kommt noch "Erde" dazu. Der Geschmack ist süß und lang anhaltend. Meiner Meinung kann man hier nicht viel falsch machen, ein Rum der viele ansprechen dürfte.
'spice nose with hints of honey and dark sugar'
"El Dorado 21-Year rum review by The Ultimate RumGuide"
There is an extra layer of oak in the profile.
"Notes of oak and a slight spiciness also comes through. The rum is very smooth and easy drinking but complex enough to ensure you savour each sip of the drink. The finish is long lasting."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I'm this is am excellent rum. It might be to heavy for newcomers. Unfortunately a little bit overpriced compared to the taste of an plantation xo.
Over all a solid choice for dessert or a cigar.