
Simple and rich sugar syrup

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Sektionchef 🇦🇹 | 0 ratings Author Posted 20 Oct '23


I made some 1:1 simple syrup for Cocktails but for some recipies I need rich 2:1 syrup instead.

Does anybody know whether using the double amount of 1:1 syrup will also work instead or is it requred to use 2:1 rich syrup for a good result?



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bar la moura 🇭🇷 | 172 ratings Replied 31 Oct '23

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DB 🇺🇸 | 71 ratings Replied 6 May '24

No, double 1:1 is not the same as 2:1, just make the 2:1 - easy enough. Double 1:1 will skew your ratios. Part of the use of 2:1 is to enhance the overall texture of the cocktail.

SlandT 🇺🇸 | 21 ratings Replied 7 May '24

I keep rich turbinado sugar around for pretty much everything from my cold brewed coffee to juices and tiki drinks. I like the flavor it brings versus plain sugar, but also that turbinado doesn't dissolve well if it isn't pre-dissolved.

Since a lot of unsweetened juices, like orange, aren't what they used to be, I'd never go back to simple syrup, white or otherwise.

You could also go to your store's baking and syrups section and get a bottle of Agave for an easy interesting twist.  It's also lower glycemic.