
Mo McGurk avatar image

Mo McGurk

Swashbuckler | Member since 2016 | United States

281 Ratings | 30 Likes

Rum is my adult beverage of choice.  I graduated from Bacardi & Coke a number of years ago when a friend mocked me for not upping my rum game.  I told him he did not know what he was talking about since "rum was rum" and continued drinking.  Fast forward a few months later when I was out and about, saw a rum other than Bacardi, and thought I would teach my friend a lesson- since all rum was the same.  With that drink, I discovered just how wrong I was...

My reviews are on a 10 pt scale, with half points.  As RR doesn't allow half bottles, I round down when rating.  My narratives are nothing fancy, and somewhat boring.  While I am generally unable to distinguish the nuanced flavors that others use to describe their rums, I know what I like and don't like, and rate accordingly.  One day, perhaps, I'll get those nuances figured out.  Until then, I keep trying new bottles whenever I am able (and thanking my friend for showing me the error of my ways).  Cheers!


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