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Stefan Persson

Ambassador | Member since 2018 | Sweden

531 Ratings | 1477 Likes | 36 Followers

My adult rum journey started as for most people with the sweet Spanish styled “Ron”. Nowadays I’m more into the English styled “Rum” and Agricole. Right now I have around 260 (30 Spanish; 105 English; 115 French; 10 Clairin's and Cachaca's) different bottles in my private Rum bar (which I have created a cabinet of further down) and around 380 in total. My favourite brand is English Harbour and Antigua is the only island that I have payed a visit in the Antilles. My “Spanish” favorite's on the sweet side are right now Ron Zafra and Ron Malecon Rare Proof. On the drier side I like Cuban rum. My “English” favourites (except from English Harbour) is to find among the Bajan and Jamaican brands. My “French” favourites is mainly to find among those from Guadeloupe, especially Montebello and Reimonenq. But also some from Martinique, for example Depaz and Dillon.
