
The rums that are still around after six and a half years on this site.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Posted 29 May '24

My detailed spreadsheet of all of the rums that I have tried in the past six and a half years after joining this site just begged for another column. I used a 3-letter code to identify these. Here are my percentages for each. The first category all have ratings from 1-7. The remaining categories all have ratings from 6-10.

BAD 56% These are rums that I would never purchase again, either from being too expensive or just plain bad.

NEW 24% These are rums that have appeared on the shelves since I began on this site. This is the category that keeps us all trying new rums.

OLD  9% This was quite a surprise with a low percentage of rums that are still available after all these years. No wonder we keep trying new rums on the market.

FLA  6% These are rums that I would have to drive at least 200 miles to Florida to get. Since Total Wine has opened 2 stores near me, I no longer have to make the long drive to Texas to get these rums. Each state also has different rums that are only unique to them, which really sucks.

NLA  5% No Longer Available. This is the saddest category of all. Just when one gets to like a rum a lot, it disappears from the shelves. This is also the category that inspired me to add this column to my spreadsheet.

For whatever this is all worth, I hope that many of you can appreciate this.

DB avatar image
DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 15 Jun '24

Paul, I admire and appreciate your work, analysis, and input! Thank you.

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 15 Jun '24

Thanks DB!

I guess that the moral of my analysis is that if one finds a really good rum, stock up on them because they may not be around forever. After finally finding Yolo Gold, I was really disappointed after enjoying them for only a year that they are now also long gone.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 15 Jun '24

Way 2 go!!! I am constantly finding a rum I like and BAM a few months later GONE! I don't quite understand the marketing behind this although it does give me a chance to explore but that's a coin toss in itself! 

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 16 Jun '24

Thanks Kevin! As each new rum hits the shelves, one has to ask themselves if this one is worth the gamble or will it be more crap? Using basic knowledge of what we have all learned on this site, one can minimize their chances for getting crap.

I usually wait until other reviewers on here post first on a new rum, but I have been the guinea pig with the first review for quite a few new rums. It is a 50/50 chance of coming out ahead and even marketing lies have gotten me fooled a few times. My last blunder was from Noel rums from Louisiana. Their rum aged in tequila barrels was too bad to post a review and ruin their business. It had floral notes. Talk about a fake!

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 16 Jun '24

Paul, I noticed a bottle at TW the other day that had something to do with tequila. I didn't check it out because with tequila I'm 1, 2, 3, FLOOR! lol. I shall steer a wide berth for sure. One of my favorites is Hog Bay which you turned me on too and cheers 🥂 for that find. By far the best bang for the buck!

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 16 Jun '24

Kevin, here is another rum that has been around for a very long time, but has now shown tremedous improvement - Pusser's Rum 84. Why? This one is now 100% from Guyana with the portion from Trinidad left out from that old blend.  I watered down some Pusser's Gunpowder Proof to be 84 proof and compared the two side by side.  I could NOT telll them apart!!! And Pusser's 84 is very cheap and readily available. Hopefully, they will keep it this way.

SlandT 🇺🇸 | 27 ratings Replied 17 Jun '24

Seriously?  I picked up a Hog Bay and I find it fair at best.  I definitely wouldn't bother with it again.

It seems like only a slightly cheaper Gosling's.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 18 Jun '24

SlandT, It is a great bang for the buck at $17.99. I've had many that were double the price that can't stand up to this one. It makes a great mixer too! I'm more about value than I am over quality. I will gladly buy 4 bottles of decent rum for the price of 1 bottle of quality rum. Probably the pirate in me. Arrrgh!.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 18 Jun '24

Paul B., Pusser's is right down this pirate's alley. My favorite is their 15yo but at $89 I don't go there often. Every once in a blue moon TW has it on sale for $62 and I'm all over it. I've tried the gunpowder but wasn't impressed due to the ABV getting in the way of the profile. If TW has the 84 you can bank on me hooking that right up. Thanks for the Intel! 

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 18 Jun '24

Kevin, I cannot even get Pusser's 15 Year any more where I live. When I started out on this site, it was one of my favorites, but due to the high amount of added sugar, that old version needed to be consumed in 2 months.

I have Hog Bay rated at a 7 and ranked at 30.5% for flavor. By comparison, the blue label Pusser's 84 is rated at 8 and ranked at 3.5% for flavor. Since the Pusser's is only $21, it is a much better buy than Hog Bay. To decide the difference between great buys like Pussers and good buys like Hog Bay, I have a Rank-Cost Percent to do this. Basically, my ranking for flavor counts twice as much as the cost ranking. To get my cost ranking, I simply divide the cost before tax by $150. There were only 4 rums that I spent more than $150 on, so they are statistical outliers. I now try to keep it at $65 or less.

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 18 Jun '24

Paul, Much appreciate your analysis. I found the new Pusser's 15yo at my local TW but on my last trip it was gone. This happens all the time. First they have it at $89 and it doesn't move. Then they mark it down to $62 and gone! So, next time this happens I'm wiping the shelf. Lesson learned! Arrrgh! But Hog Bay is a great buy at 4 to 1 and you know I like my rum! Also we have the same price point. I drink rum like water and my pocket is not deep enough and that Hog Bay does the trick quite well!

Paul B avatar image
Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings Author Replied 19 Jun '24

Kevin, give the cuurent version of blue label Pussers' 84 a try whenever you get the chance. I promise that you won't reget it!

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings Replied 19 Jun '24

Paul, on it. I see painkillers in the near future. Thanks again!

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