
El Dorado 1997 Port Mourant rum

El Dorado 1997 Port Mourant

Guyana | Aged

8 ratings
That's some good stuff

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8 El Dorado 1997 Port Mourant Ratings

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vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Today I have a Port Mourant in the glas. I must say, I'm not a big fan of PM, because they are often bright and without heavy aromas. I like dark rums with aromas of leather, fruits, honey.
The color of this PM is dark, that is unusual. It shoul be bright yellow. Let's see what we have here.

Nose: is the complete opposite of PMs I know. Very saturated, but still fresh in the background. The nose of most PMs is usually not that mellow but this one is different.
It's a little bit musty first with a lot of wood (it's an Enmore sign). I get swetness of honey with dry fruits first. Fresh plum and grapes are noticeable, then I got some heavy notes of iodine or green walnuts. It feels oily or viscous in the nose.
I get also wood, not the bright white oak but the more intensive old wet wood (the Enmore wood with honey and iodine notes).
In the background there are also vegetal grasy notes and herbs. The nose turns also more floral after around 30min. This is the best PM smell I had so far, but at the same time it's not typical.

The taste is viscous. It's the opposit of the most PMs, a PM should be fresh and spicy.
It starts with sweetness of honey and caramel. Then I get slightly bitter note of green walnut (iodine). Dry fruits are rising, then the taste turns vegetal in the background.
The middle is agains sweet, I get honey, caramel, wet old wood, iodine. Some black/green tea and all kinds of dry fruits like plum, grapes, grape seeds.
The finish is not that spicy. I get oak with iodine, then mint, burned sugar, green walnuts and herbs. Still very viskous in the mouth.
The aftertaste is also nice with mint, honey, iodine and wood.

This PM reminds me of some Enmores. I'm not sure why it tastes like Enmore/Versailles to me. If there were no vegetal notes I would say it's clearly an Enmore/Versailles blend. Why could this actually be the case?
Enmore was closed 1993, the Single Wooden Pot Still (Versailles) was moved to the Uitvlugt distillery. Maybe Uitvlugt used this pot still in 1997 to produce a PM and now we have a PM that was distilled with a Versailles still?
But let's take it as it is. I would rate this one with 92 points.

Sweetness: 3/5
Fruits: 3/5
Spice: 2.5/5
Mildness: 4/5
Complexity: 4/5
Value (195€): 4/5

Morten Graenge 🇩🇰 | 348 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Dejlig rom med den karakteristiske Port Mourant smag. Bedre end PM 1999.

57,9%. Udgivet i 2017. Marque PM.

Adrian Adame 🇨🇿 | 701 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

- vůně zemitá, koření, vanilka, skořice, ovoce
- chuť více nasládlá, dřevo, koření, ořechy, citrusy
závěr sladkohořký

Anders Ravn Jørgensen 🇩🇰 | 217 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Smagt på Romhattens romfestival i Århus august 2020. Bliver altid lidt skuffet over El Dorado ift forventningerne, lidt for tør til min smag.

Nielf 🇩🇰 | 211 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Jeg smagte denne rom til Romhattens romfestival 2020. Den var virkelig god.

ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 641 ratings
Posted 5 months ago

Vanilla, spices (cinnamon), wood barrel, candid fruit and molases in aroma; sweet start, wood, spices, nuts and citrus in the end; warming raisins tail.

Gastovski (PREMIUM) 🇨🇿 | 478 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Destilováno / Nalahvováno: 1997 / 2017
Rum zrál bezmála 20 let v sudech po bourbonu.
Aroma: Opálené dřevo, kouř, popel, závan eukalyptu (?), ovoce (jablka), špetka koření.
Chuť: Ovocně-kořenitá (pepř), anýz. Štiplavá, pikantní, lehce kouřová.
Dozvuk: Tabákový kouř, spousta hořkého dřeva, stopa travnatosti, sušené ovoce (rozinky). Delší, ale kratší než u 1999.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochután vzorek
Porovnával jsem přímo s ročníkem 1999 a jsou si velmi podobné ve vůni i chuti - 1997 je nakouřenější, pikantnější a v dozvuku o něco hořčí. 1999 tedy vítězí, ale i tak je 1997 vynikající záležitost.

Kowiak 🇧🇪 | 2 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Rich and spicy taste with a little bit of fruityness.
Long finish with hints of caramel, vanilla and oak.

Brand Details

Name: 1997 Port Mourant
Company: El Dorado
Country: Guyana
Type: Aged
Yr Distilled: 1997
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
1. Luxurious Drinks