
El Dorado 2002 Versailles rum

El Dorado 2002 Versailles

Guyana | Aged

25 ratings
That's some good stuff

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25 El Dorado 2002 Versailles Ratings

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martin jeppesen 🇩🇰 | 257 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

A very nice nose that needs to breathe a bit (63% vol). I pick up tobacco, homemade caramel, leather, vanilla and wooden planks with sap-like overtones. There’s no denying the pot still character. In the mouth the rum hit’s me intensely with the same lovely notes found in the nose, but it also feels a little sharper than other cask strength rums in this category. The finish is fairly subtle given the initial flavour explosion, but lingers for a while with a little woody caramel. Very nice. The slight lack of refinement and high price, holds this otherwise wonderful bottle from achieving a 9 in my book.

YMHC 🇳🇱 | 162 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Top rum van El Dorado. Met een abv van 63℅ zijn de smaken en aromas erg sterk. Caramel, tabak, tropisch fruit, kaneel.

Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 148 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Light, brown sugar, and slightly sour nose. Taste is heavy, strong brown sugar continues with a dark wood overtone. Slightly sour and moderately short finish. Overall an OK rum but may be over aged. I don't think I'd choose to drink this again, little too heavy and sour ending.

Marc Cardinal 🇧🇪 | 399 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

On the nose, notes of nuts are released on the almond and walnut. It is nevertheless very fresh with perhaps a little orange aroma. In the mouth, alcohol is present but the sweet side makes for a good balance. Very complex with a super long finish. It is a beautiful rum but like his brother Enmore, it is just as expensive.

vincent 🇫🇷 | 127 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Le nez est lourd, dominé par les fruits à coque (amande, chataigne), la réglisse et le bois fumé. un quelque chose qui rappelle l'odeur de la paille humide...
La bouche est huileuse et la réglisse prend plus de place, apparaissent aussi le cuir, le tabac, le café et une petite amertume.
La finale est longue et calquée sur les saveurs en bouche.
EDIT: J'ai regouté ce rhum après l'avoir oublié pendant 4 ou 5 mois et le profil a vraiment changé (surement du au fait que l'air soit rentré dans la bouteille). Le problème est que l'aération n'a pas modifié le rhum en positif mais en négatif. Je me suis retrouvé face a quelque chose de très lourd, très amère, comme si le rhum avait tourné et était devenu du pur jus de bois au café. Ou une autre comparaison plus imagée, j'avais l'impression de boire du jus de tatami en paille d'un dojo, essoré après un entrainement pour en sortir le liquide. Un rhum à ce prix la qui évolue mal, ca fait un peu mal au cul quand même...

Wayne Upton 🇺🇸 | 136 ratings
Posted 7 years ago

At 63%, it's a touch sharp. Caramel on the nose, a hint of tobacco, the molasses is there too. I'm surprised at the sweetness, yet, it's plenty woody, with just a touch of sour fruit in the finish.

Chris L 🇬🇧 | 77 ratings
Posted 7 years ago

A full on intense hit of flavour, sweet, with a caramel aftertaste. Though it is full flavoured and warming, there's surprisingly little burn for a 63% rum. Excellent

Jonte Json 🇸🇪 | 109 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

Very harsh, spicy and strong, but with a certain amount of dried fruit, oak, leather and molasses

Jesper Mazanti 🇩🇰 | 163 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Colour dark.
Smell is speciel.
Taste is ok.
Aftertaste is to strong for me.

Örjan 🇸🇪 | 60 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Strong, sugar-coated almond, coffee bean, damson, milk chocolate, black pepper and thick molasses.

Brand Details

Name: 2002 Versailles
Company: El Dorado
Country: Guyana
Type: Aged
Yr Distilled: 2002
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

Professional Reviews

1. Luxurious Drinks