
El Dorado 3-Year rum

El Dorado 3-Year

Guyana | Light | 40% ABV

98 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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98 El Dorado 3-Year Ratings

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Rob Bratney 🇺🇸 | 8 ratings
Posted 10 years ago

Great flavor, smooth, little bite. Definitely my favorite light rum I've had.

DB 🇺🇸 | 81 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I'm largely basing this rating as a comparison to other whites in the under $20.00 range - this one just does it for me. I find it outstanding in the Daiquiri - it's my top so far. I find it to have nice, buttery notes, and a light, creamy texture that ups the level of the cocktail. Nice sweetness, but not overly done, and decently smooth overall with some seriously mild alcohol burn that doesn't last. Also worth mixing with other whites to shift the flavor profiles around in your cocktails. Yes - this is a great mixing rum; I'm not rating it as a sipper (while not the best in that role, it's better than many...). I strongly recommend this one.

RumSchmecktGut 🇩🇪 | 11 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

- relatively smooth and clean compared to older El Dorado rums, looks like filtering really does the trick here
- pretty full-flavored, it tastes like a Demerara rum; I'm getting notes of vanilla and white chocolate, and a certain sour/joghurt component that really elevates the rum for me. I've had several longer-aged, unfiltered and more expensive rums that had less taste!
- the alcohol taste is more in the foreground than in older El Dorado rums, but it's not a problem at all because it's still quite flavorful and I can't detect any off notes
- the aromas cut through quite well in cocktails
- very good value

This is easily one of my favourite rums!

CJ1999 🇬🇧 | 95 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

A standard white rum, refreshing smell. It’s quite bitter neat. However with a a mixer it’s tastey, moreish and vanilla. I like it but it’s not unique.

Szymon 🇮🇱 | 33 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

If this is the base Rum that matures and become the El Dorado 12 i can understand why my impression of this juice is so high on my tongue. it is definitely a sipper, and a very good one. the approach for sipping white rums should be more forgiving and less judging them compared to dark rums. i had a very positive experience with the El Dorado 3 bottle and once i find it offered for the same price i got the first i will surely buy more. this is surely one of the better rums which also convinced me not to be afraid of sipping white rums, that's after long ago i had some negative experience with cheap rums. on the nose it's very pleasant, like knowing that your'e soon gotta get some candy. on the tongue it's pleasantly rich while not burning of youthness as expected in such cases. 3 years seems to be quite enough to make a solid tasty run even compared to very young single malts and Cognacs. this means that there is much room in the rum industry to offer wide high quality sipping white rums. my verdict, in a white rum scale, is 8/10 only the Plantation 3 Stars scores more in this category. i will be happy to drink more of both. and if there is a better white, so please bring it to me!

Marty 🇺🇸 | 102 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

I keep this on hand at all times. Sweet and yummy. Rum is my drink of choice, but I have not yet learned to review and distinguish all the nuances and subtleties. I just know what I like. And I like this one very much. I have tried nearly every El Dorado rum that I have had the opportunity to purchase. I actually like this a little better than the six year Silver. Much better than the Superior White.

Jacob Darrah 🇺🇸 | 16 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Better than bacardi for your mixed drinks, good in tiki cocktails

mamajuana 🇺🇸 | 148 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

This is a decent white rum, has a strong initial blast, fairly smooth going down, faint vanilla, light fruit, a bit of sugary sweetness detected in finish. Fairy cheap, sweeter, less dry, and harsher than Matusalem Platino, which I would recommend over this.

Trini Yank 🇹🇹 | 41 ratings
Posted over 11 years ago

Love this on its own on ice, but if you like to mix it can be difficult as it has too much character for most conventional rum cocktails. Mixing with coconut water is best, but I usually have it with a squeeze of lime and ice.

Martin Jelen 🇨🇿 | 77 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Perfect for mixing which it was made for. So...mission accomplished :) Very smooth for a rum that young, nice hints of vanilla and coconut.

After tasting it I drank it with tonic, lemon and a sprig of thyme. It was a nice alternative for gin and tonic.

Brand Details

ABV: 40%
Company: El Dorado
Country: Guyana
Type: Light
Years Aged: 3
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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