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El Dorado 21 is produced near the equator in Guyana by Demerara distillery. The final product is a blend of rums, aged between 21 and 25 years and crafted using 100% locally sourced Demerara sugar. Traditional tools are used in the distilling processes including three unique wooden stills. The rums rest until maturity in 45 gallon oak casks.
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Mellow, complex and not too sweet. This is the best rum I have had. Pricey, but worth it.
This stuff is the best I have had ever had the pleasure of tasting... Delicate flavours throughout the whole drink on the rocks... It's amazing Really good... If you have any money this should be a definate purchase... To mix it is a
Christmas cake. Hints of tobacco and sandalwood, leading into s smokiness.
Sultanas, dates, blackcurrant and macadamia
Rich and smooth with a woody influenced finish. Lots of vanilla and Demerara notes.
Sampled at the Laka Lono Rum Club Tasting on 6/30/21. Pours brown in color. Pronounced molasses and caramel and brown sugar. All jumps out in the aroma. Thick as pancake syrup. The flavor is absolute single malt whiskey. Big dollop of demerara sugar. Mint flavors and spruce. Damn.
I love the El Dorado 21 and and keep it stocked!
This is one one of my favorite to enjoy my cigars with on the weekend. truly a fine rum, can't say enough great things about it.
WOW- I have tried the 12 year old El Dorado in the past, but this is on another level, quite simply the smoothest rum i have ever tasted, not at all overly sweet, amazing aroma and a burst of flavour before sliding effortlessly down the gullet with no appreciable alcohol burn before warming the stomach, lovely stuff.
Superb, I like this rum the best of the the 12, 15 and 21. The thing that puts it in front of the 12 and 15 is the smoky finish and slightly drier body. I love cigars and this rum with a nice cigar is a match made in heaven. A very smooth and very well made rum. The only downside is the price.
($70 CAD) I was super pumped to finally grab a bottle of this once it went on sale. El Dorado 12 was my first real rum and the 15 was fantastic. I've had my eye on the 21 ever since.
It smells like loads of ripe fruit and a bit of leather or pepper. It definitely has some layers, even just from the smell.
The taste seems to come through opposite with more leather or tobacco upfront, then the rush of fruit comes shortly after: bananas, melons and citrus. No bite, just great flavour.
Referring to the fat rum pirate's hydrometer tests, the 12 has 39g/L sugar added, 15 has 31 and the 21 has 22. The 21still has quite a bit of sugar added, but it is not nearly as sweet as the 12 which, in my opinion, allows the rum to come through more. It is most definitely a favourite of mine and confirms my thought that El Dorado is my favourite brand.
All in all, if you liked the 12 & 15, you'll love the 21. It's super fun and easy to drink. Watch yourself with this one, it could be dangerous.
Tento rum , mě byl doporučen v baru v Praze a byl jsem z něho ohromen, pro jeho komplexnost chutí Pro mě velmi úžasný a vynikající rum. Vrchol, který vás nebaví každý den, protože zde pijete něco velmi zvláštního. Intenzivní a slibná vůně v nose slibuje hodně a tento slib je překonán požitkem z patra. Směs chuti tropického ovoce s mírně dřevitým pozadím nabízí plnou a silnou chuť se spoustou těla, která v cíli také dlouho vydrží. Neobyčejné potěšení pro velmi zvláštní příležitosti, perfektní všude!které od začátku až do konce mě bavili.
'spice nose with hints of honey and dark sugar'
"El Dorado 21-Year rum review by The Ultimate RumGuide"
There is an extra layer of oak in the profile.
"Notes of oak and a slight spiciness also comes through. The rum is very smooth and easy drinking but complex enough to ensure you savour each sip of the drink. The finish is long lasting."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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About same quality with El Dorado 25 at 1/7 of the price and it is also more balance. Strong & thick flavour with oak of bourbon-cognac aging & Demerara character, exotic fruits, apricots, risins, coffe, tabbaco, natural sweetness and at the end aggressive smoothness with salt notes!! Overall it is balance sweetness with some dryness, it have scent of sea, shells & iodine! with a lot of taste campare to other no sugar rums... Also this is well priced for its real age at around 90-130 euro.