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Have you found an online vendor selling El Dorado Single Still Enmore?
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Tasted at Laka Lono on 11-5-23. Rich ruby amber color. Subtle aroma- slightly burnt and slightly organic acetone. Very nice flavor up front. Oranges, cloves, treacle, and chocolate. Palate is downright chalk. Very interesting. Sweetness of honey and saccharine. Very nice warmth to the finish.
I really think that El Dorado is moving away from the added sugar rums of the past and this one is a good example of that. It’s a very nice cask strength rum that’s like a bourbon.
If you didn't know what you were drinking you would think it is bourbon. The flavor comes from the distillation process and still used. I would have scored it higher but I'm not sure that it is worth the price point.
Rum zrál 12 let v amerických sudech po bourbonu.
Dvoukolonové destilační zařízení Enmore bylo postaveno v roce 1880 ve stejnojmenné destilerii. Po jejím uzavření v roce 1994 bylo přesunuto nejprve do Uitvlugt a poté do palírny Diamond (1999).
Aroma: Bourbonovitost, vanilka, kokos, slaný karamel a spousta mokrého a nalakovaného dřeva. V pozadí závan větrovosti.
Chuť: Velmi hořká čokoláda, pikantní hořké dřevo.
Dozvuk: Vanilka, čokoláda, hořknoucí dřevo a závan rozinek. Delší.
Sladkost: 0/3
Ochutnán vzorek
Ochutnávka triptychu Single Still 2009:
1. místo Port Mourant - jedna z nejnádhernějších rumových vůní s neskutečnou komplexitou v chuti a dozvuku.
2. místo Versailles - velmi podobný stylu PM, ale dřevitější a s příměsí mentolu.
3. místo Enmore - určitě nejvíce hořkého dřeva.
Každá lahev si u mě vyšší cenu a klasickou voltáž obhájila.
Big fruity aroma, toffee and burnt fruit on the taste, minimal alcohol burn, fruity aftertaste
I was lucky enough to get a bottle of 2009 Single Still Enmore 12-Year, cask strength. It's fantastic, lots of that great El Dorado flavour and at cask strength. Favourite it because bottle are hard to find.
I wanted to branch out and grab something a little more top shelf for Xmas, bought this and a couple of others of similar price point. A nice stocky sort of bottle with a pleasant nose rich sugar and typical El Dorado. After trying over a few nights the taste is also just pleasant distinct burnt sugar with medium length, to me a little one-dimensional.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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This was very interesting to try a shot of. Tried alongside a Plantation Guyana, it was a bit like compare the different additives! In this case, whatever it is they coat the insides of the barrels with, which is is the same in the single still PM and in the the 15YO.
In those however, there's somevpot still interest and complexity going on, but here, I really couldn't detect much of anything at all, beyond a sharpness to go with the caramel.
Much more satisfying than the the Plantation, but couldn't say anything else about it!